Archive for January, 2013

Another atv video

Posted: 29th January 2013 by viljem_r in Cars,bikes, vehicles, Gopro, Sport
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This video was recorded in september 2012.     Another funny overtaking and eating dust… Rookies 🙂  

Atv and winter

Posted: 25th January 2013 by viljem_r in Cars,bikes, vehicles, Sport, Start
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Winter is awesome. I can’t understand why they hate it it so much. I love it. If only day lasted longer. On sunday and snow started to fall. Nice weather for offroad ridding. Here is one video.

Chest mount on a snowboard

Posted: 24th January 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Sport
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Chect mount je bil doma narejen že davno. Prišla je zima in čas za test na snowboardu. Videi so kar spodbudni. Ko bo kaj več časa zmontiram še kakšnega. Do takrat pa tole za pokušino.

Gopro in snowboard

Posted: 11th January 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Start
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Kam bi še lahko montiral gopro. Na snowboard seveda! Iščemo seveda čimveč akcije… Nastalo je pa tole: Malo popravkov in spet bo akcija, ko zapade sneg seveda!!!