Archive for April, 2013

Masters of dirt

Posted: 11th April 2013 by viljem_r in Sport, Start
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In april there was show in Ljubljana called Masters of dirt. I got tickets from my friend and I must say that I really liked it.

Reuse Gopro adhesive mounts

Posted: 10th April 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Start
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In package you get only few adhesive mounts. Sometimes you put them on a wrong spot or you wan’t to put them somewhere else. But here is problem, because you can’t use same tape. Here is solution how to re use them. First you need this tape. You can buy them on the web or […]

Fiat Campagnola

Posted: 1st April 2013 by viljem_r in Cars,bikes, vehicles, Gopro, Start
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My friend bought Fiat Campagnola. This is real hard core off road vehicle. It was build in 1963. Made by Italian. For more inf see wikipedia: Till now he renewed brake, replaced front differential, repaired starter and did some small repaires. Car still needs some work, but it is working well. On easter sunday […]