Archive for the ‘Start’ Category

New rc project

Posted: 4th July 2013 by viljem_r in Quadcopter, Start
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Time to build something new… Some parts received, other on the way. If you like my blog you can donate for more cool projects 😉 Tnx

quadcopter pilot

Posted: 27th June 2013 by viljem_r in Quadcopter, Start
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H-quad ver 2

Posted: 18th June 2013 by viljem_r in Quadcopter, Start
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After first H quad, which was not so good, I decided to build new one. Old fatso burned in flames J I get measures from flitetest. So my is almost same dimensions as one from flitetest. More inf:   It’s lighter and bigger. For landing gear I used plastic tube. It does job superblly. […]

First flights compilation

Posted: 17th June 2013 by viljem_r in Quadcopter, Start
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Found some time and edit few videos.

H-copter frame

Posted: 6th June 2013 by viljem_r in Quadcopter, Start
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After some flight I decided to built my own frame.  H copter should be more stable in the air. Also more convenient for FPV and Gopro. I built H frame from wood, bought in local store. You should always have in mind, that frame should be light. First you need to cut off wood. And […]

Nothing special cause it is a first flight 🙂    

Quadcopter mods

Posted: 21st May 2013 by viljem_r in Quadcopter, Start
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After crash 1 week ago, I decided to modify my QC. It was quite heavy crash. I broke frame and 2 propellers. Problem was that I didn’t see it well.     I weld frame with solder iron. And it is as strong as it was before crash. I added 2 green blinking leds in […]

Krim, ATV

Posted: 20th May 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Start
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Fabia rs

Posted: 16th May 2013 by viljem_r in Cars,bikes, vehicles, Gopro, Start
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Boring sunday, rain, fabia rs and go pro.    

Quadcopter part 2

Posted: 15th May 2013 by viljem_r in Quadcopter, Start
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In part one I showed how to make quadcopter. But in part 2 I will explain a few things, because I spent a lot of time to search information on the internet. I am beginner, but I learn fast. I wanna help you with what I learned. 1. KK board is very good for beginners. […]