Archive for the ‘Start’ Category

Spinning helmet camera- video

Posted: 26th February 2013 by viljem_r in Start
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Finally I had some time to edit this video. This is how it looks:

After few thrilling rides I realized I need to modify my stock bumper.  Riding through forest made a lot damage on my front plastic and headlights. And also If you roll over you will brake whole front end. Unluckly my Sym is selled in Slovenia only S version ( sport). That means without front UTV […]

Spinning helmet camera

Posted: 24th February 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Start, Technical stuff
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After a lot of thinking I finally found good idea on web, how to make spinning helmet cam. I wanted to use bearings and steel plates and carbon stick to make it. But then I saw guy who used castor wheel. I went to hardware store and bought it. Then I found my old elan […]

Arduino-geek stuff

Posted: 19th February 2013 by viljem_r in Start, Technical stuff
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Here is blog of  one of my friend. He is  big geek :S 🙂 But you can find some great ideas, for new projects 😉

Winter & ATV

Posted: 5th February 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Sport, Start

Melting snow, ice, and cold water and sunny Sunday. What else you need for some fun. Last years video. Edited in movie maker and recorder with gopro of course. Check it out.

Atv and winter

Posted: 25th January 2013 by viljem_r in Cars,bikes, vehicles, Sport, Start
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Winter is awesome. I can’t understand why they hate it it so much. I love it. If only day lasted longer. On sunday and snow started to fall. Nice weather for offroad ridding. Here is one video.

Gopro in snowboard

Posted: 11th January 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Start
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Kam bi še lahko montiral gopro. Na snowboard seveda! Iščemo seveda čimveč akcije… Nastalo je pa tole: Malo popravkov in spet bo akcija, ko zapade sneg seveda!!!

Vožnja po blatu in vodi je terjala davek. Večino časa potopljena in prepuščena teškim okoliščinam se je uklonila zadnja osovina. Zaslišim nekakšen luft. Menda niso puše! Dvignem z dvigalko in lej , zadnja osovina miga levo in desno.  :S:S  Voda in kovina to sta večna sovražnika. Sledil je tehtni premislek in odločitev, da bom spet […]

Gopro in Rain-X

Posted: 29th October 2012 by viljem_r in Start
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Še en izdelek proizvajalca Rain X, ki pripomore k bolšjim posnetkom s kamero Gopro. Izdelka se v originalu uporabljata za nanos na sprednjo šipo avtomobila. Eden je proti rosenju in drugi za boljši odtok vode iz stekla. Izdelka se dobro obneseta v avto svetu.   Priporočam nakup.

Gopro Chest mount

Posted: 9th October 2012 by viljem_r in Gopro, Start, Technical stuff
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Še en projekt, izdelava chest mounta je bila neizogibna. Cena original od Gopro pa 60 eur.  Ni druge kot da grem v akcijo. Najprej potreben premislek kako kamero namontirat. Aluminij je vedno dobra lahka  izbira, poleg tega se da nanj nalepit od gopro nastavek. Lista papirja in obrišem nastavek, malo posrfam in narišem luknje za […]