Archive for the ‘Technical stuff’ Category

I bought this wooofer from china. It has amp built it, costs me just 60 eur. It is heavy and looks quality made. Doesn’t looks much different than ESX for 200 eur. Check out more in my video. Features:1.Fully functional and easy to debug2.68 mm Slim fuselage, installed under the seat, the effect is better,3.10 […]

Alfa Romeo DPF regeneration

Posted: 11th January 2022 by Wild Man in Cars,bikes, vehicles, Start, Technical stuff
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MotoGuzzi stock cable 80 eur piece!? They lost their minds. You can buy aftermarket NGK caps, which are maybe even better and make cables at home for less money. Here is list of spark plug caps, they are available in car stores. Here is a guide how to find your cap.

Here is new generation messenger. Download is available for android and desktop pc. IOS app will be available soon. Google play: Official page:     Key Features are: – No verification, no phone number and no personal data is required to use Spixi. – No central servers, no points of failure. Your messages […]

Here is switch, which can be controlled with ios or android app. You can turn on allmost anything you want. You can also setup timer, create rules for home appliences, turn your heating or AC. Just use you imagination. It costs 5 euros on ebay.    

    If you’re having water leaks in footwels, you must have damaged water barrier in your door. This is very common bmw fault. And after 15 years still present in some models. Remove door panel and you will see barrier, than check if it is somewhere peeled off. Here is picture of my. Looks […]

Engine suddenlly started losing perfomance, hesitating not running smoothly. I connected obd tester and found that DPF or FAP filter was jammed. I checked my options on a web and found out that the cheapest way is to try with cleaner in a can. All other options are professional and require spray guns and other […]

First thing you should check in your old car is your ignition system. This causes majority problems in your car. Check spark plugs, replace damaged cables,worn out brakers and ignition coil. You will see and hear  improvement immediatlly. If you want more power, better millage and smoother engine in your oldtimer, than you must upgrade […]

Time lapse with gopro

Posted: 20th January 2015 by viljem_r in Gopro, Start, Technical stuff
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Since gopro battery offers you at most 3 hours of shooting in time lapse mode, you need to use external power supply to power up your cam. To do that you will need case with hole to connect mini usb cable, and external power suply. I still wanted waterproof camera, because I want to shoot  […]