We are listening about a this zero emission shit. I’m a bit tired of it, every day new gadget, phone, plastic bag, shitty cars that are literally falling apart! All they are the best, green, ecofresh… All are making big bucks while we, stupid sheep are buying them and throwing them in trash, paying for recycle, while they end up in Africa, Asia or between them in ocean.

Car salesman cartoon free

I’m educated electrician engineer and I also love cars, bikes.. I also fix cars, bikes, diesel and gas engines.

I drive diesel SUV my smoky dirty diesel, old 2007 BMW beater. It has decent consumption, enough power and torque, but it has that Ecofresh green shit dpf and egr, which causes more problems. With same engine and without dpf people are having lower consumption and car is more reliable. All newer hybrids consumpt more fuel that my old beater. Great, I want new one, to be trendy andnow I can spend more money on that plastic shitbox.

If you compare 2002 VW Tdi and 2014 Tdi, you can see that consumption over decade has increased, so how is this good for environment? Another fraud for more money. I mean real daily use consumption, not that one written on paper.

Hoaxwagen | Fortune

So back on that electric crap SUVs, Teslas, trucks and shit like that.

For dinosaurs eating machine you need steel,iron, aluminium, plastic, copper, rubber, some rare materials and that is it. Oh I forgot dead dinosaur 😉

For daisy eating machines you need steel, iron, aluminium, plastic, rubber, a lot of copper, a lot of lithium and rare materials. They are heavier than normal cars, their lifespan is lower. Really good for environment.

How electricity is made?

Most of them is from uranium or plutonium, coal, water, oil, wind and sun. Well most of it is from first 3, that is fact and this won’t change any soon, because you have your stupid phones, tablets with fast charge, AC, heaters, smart fridges, smart towels, smart toasters and more useless gadgets!

Tesla people be like.....

OK, now you have your solar panels on your roof and wind turbines on your field. What a nice view from your bedroom, 70m tall spinning godzilla on your backyard, who needs ocean view and bird singing? So you need to maintain batteries, clean cells, lines and dance and pray your gods for not to rain. Now you tired of your godzila and you want to drive to a beach 400km away. You sit in your shitbox and after 200km , it is so entertaining chatting with nissan leaf, renault zoe and skoda enyaaasaqqq ( i don’t know how to write it) owners for 2 hours on a “gas station”. Of course you didn’t took the boat or jet, cause you can’t haul it! Oh yes charging stations are on gas stations, its like vegan steak. All vegans are in hunt for meat substitute. What a day to enjoy on a beach and charging your shitbox while enjoying a gluten free cookies, listening a new hit from Bruno Mars.

Fact is that the most electricity is produced from coal. This one is from Nevada and other from Tampa. I won’t even post chinesse or indian coal plants. Fact is that nuclear power is the cleanest, but stupid germans decided, that they will shut down all nuclear plants and use those ugly blowers and import electricity from poor european countries.

Mohave Power Station - Wikipedia
Aerial view of the Tampa Electric Big Bend power station. [Luis Santana | Times]

Electric cars need a lot of copper, rare metals, lithium, bohrium and stuff like that. And a lot means 40-100 %. All those metals are rare and produced in poor 3rd world countries, where people risk their lives for your glutten free car. They contaminate there soil and water, so all future generations are full of deseases. Check those pictures below, how materials are produced around the world.

Green Energy Reality Check: It's Not as Clean as You Think | Manhattan  Institute
Cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Lithium extraction for e-mobility robs Chilean communities of water |  Environment| All topics from climate change to conservation | DW |  23.01.2020

Update: while my lazy ass was writing this post, car manufactures announced that they are shutting down plants, because of shortage of rare materials, due to this bat shitting on a lizard disease. Next day another announcment that our EU union white nose powder scientists wanna get rid of dinosaurs till 2030. Also you must take your car to recyle facility, you can’t sell your car for parts, even if you pay for it. Great, corrupted monkeys.

I’m not saying that electric cars are bad, but they are not solving a problem. It is also not a problem, if you having active volcanos or illegal tree cutting and amazon, cambodia fires or dirty industries. They just won’t more money.

Electrical motors are good for small city traffic, small delivery vans, scooters, electric bikes…

The best transportation is combination of gas powered, electric, LPG or CNG and also fuel cells vehicles.

But first corporation and goverments must take responsibilities for wastes that create, also for recycling a products and for production of a products that are repairable and long lasting.

Is This, Finally, The Affordable Electric Car?

So buy yourself a new ugly electric car and drive it for 4 years, than throw it like a toaster on a neighbours field. I’m gonna stick to my 13 year old beater and fix it as long as I can. While I will be driving threw a 200 year old forest I won’t feel guilty.

Buy quality products, fix them, reuse them or sell them to someone who needs it. This is real recycle.

What to Do With an Old Beater Car: 5 Options - Mom Blog Society



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