Here is video about mod you will need if you are flying with dji naza. You will 3 positions on chanel 6 to select flight modes. Original potentiometer is not good, because it switches modes and it is really hard to select mode.

Original has 10k potentiometer. So voltage is 3,3V between brown and orange wire. So dc current is 0.34 mA. So I calculated resistors. Schematic below.


I replaced him with 3 position switch and 4 trimer.  3 trimmers are 4,7kohm and 1 is 10 kohm.


  1. mirws says:

    have you try to modified the channel 5? I would like to change the switch to be 3 position like channel 6 does

    • wildman939 says:

      No, I didn’t but it is possible. You will need 6 position switch and resistors. I know that someone already did this. It is a bit more compledated.

      Check this post.

      • mirws says:

        hi wildman939
        i have been tried to modify ch 5 but it fail 🙁
        i think it has different characteristic with ch 6.
        ch 5 imo is a digital value. by default it has 3.3v value. and will drop to 0v if the switch ON.
        I’m not expert on electronics, 🙁 i try to put 4k7 resistor between the switch. it will no different at all. Thats mean any contact to black wire. it become drop to 0v no matter how much resistency we use between it.
        i try to cut line between the source 3.3v to resistor before the switch that connected to red wire and solder 2 wire on it than put any resistor it also no success. 🙁
        for a while i will gave up.
        i use multiwii on my diy FC. now i’ll consider your ref link

        • wildman939 says:

          Oh i mixed up things, you have 5 channel receiver. I think that you can’t put this switch on channel 5, because it is not pwm as my channel 6 on my receiver. I checked channel 5 on my and it only works as switch.

  2. Oskar says:

    Where did you buy switch and trimer?

  3. Joao Maciel says:

    Hey! First, so much thanks for this tuto! Help me to get 3 position switch on CH6. Now, i’m trying to modify CH5 to 3 position switch, but the connector in rc board have only two outs (CH6 have 3).
    I took a look on this link that u wrote up , but this guy modified the CH6 to get 6 position switch and there’s no modification on CH5. Do u have some idea to do this?

    • wildman939 says:

      Hi. Unfortunatlly you can’t, cause ch5 is just on off switch. :s i tried to modify it too.

      • Joao Maciel says:

        I understand… I’m cooking my brain trying to do this works, but doesn’t too.

        One more info… in his tutotial, i saw a interessant thing. He did something that was allowed failsafe work on this HK6S. Do u know what he did and how?

  4. Joao Maciel says:

    Ok, thanks for all attention man! Have a nice day =)

  5. Oskar says:

    Which kind of switch did you use On none Off, On Of On, On On On.