Here is one video how you can adjust valves on Kadett C . Inlet valves are 0.15 mm and outlet valves are 0.25.

So recommended is that the engine is warm. If you are playing with cold engine I recomment that you adjust valves on IN 0.20 and outlet on 0.30. When engine heats up, material expands. So it is much better if the valve clearence is higher then lower. It is is lower the valves won’t seat and you won’t have good compression.

First just check valve clearence when engine is not runnig, by removing the cover. Rule is that you setup 4 cylinder when 1 cylinder  valves are leveled, then 2-3,3-2 and 1-4. You set them up with 15mm socket.

Be carefull cause valves are messed up in this engine. See picture below.

valve kadett


After you checked the clearence, turn on the engine and carefully check the clearence again.  Do not touch gas pedal, because you don’t want oil all over your engine bay. You can also add piece of paper so oil won’t spray all over the engine.

And here is video when engine is running.

  1. Mike says:

    Hello, I am sorry, could you please explain these lines? I do not fully understand it. What exactly I need to do?

    “First just check valve clearence when engine is not runnig, by removing the cover. Rule is that you setup 4 cylinder when 1 cylinder valves are leveled, then 2-3,3-2 and 1-4. You set them up with 15mm socket.”

    PLEASE reply to me in mail if you cannot reply here. THANKS A LOT!