Spinning helmet camera

Posted: 24th February 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Start, Technical stuff
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After a lot of thinking I finally found good idea on web, how to make spinning helmet cam.

I wanted to use bearings and steel plates and carbon stick to make it. But then I saw guy who used castor wheel.

I went to hardware store and bought it. Then I found my old elan ski pole  Sarajevo 1984 😀 In past they made durable products. For testing purposes I used my old helmet.


First I removed wheel and then mounted plate to my helmet. I drilled 4 holes and use 20mm long screws.


Then I drilled through ski pole. I drilled 2 holes one to mount it  on plate and other for my goopro camera.

On the other side of pole you must add some weight to balance pole. Otherwise you neck will hurt and you won’t be able to ride. Maybe even to wear helmet.


Video still to come, hopefully today, if  will catch some daylight.