Posts Tagged ‘atv’

Spinning camera on offroad

Posted: 13th March 2013 by viljem_r in Start
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Here is first ofroad test of my homemade spinning camera.  Looks quite good. But as always can be improved. Next time…

Video says more than 1000 words 🙂      

After few thrilling rides I realized I need to modify my stock bumper.  Riding through forest made a lot damage on my front plastic and headlights. And also If you roll over you will brake whole front end. Unluckly my Sym is selled in Slovenia only S version ( sport). That means without front UTV […]

Hood sliding

Posted: 19th February 2013 by viljem_r in Sport
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Another boring  saturday, nothing to do… And  all we  need is a little excitment. Kids weren’t playing outside, probably weather. But big boys are always ready for some fun 😉  So we used snow, old opel kadett b hood and atv. Sounds fun! Check out this short video.

Another atv video

Posted: 29th January 2013 by viljem_r in Cars,bikes, vehicles, Gopro, Sport
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This video was recorded in september 2012.     Another funny overtaking and eating dust… Rookies 🙂  

Atv and winter

Posted: 25th January 2013 by viljem_r in Cars,bikes, vehicles, Sport, Start
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Winter is awesome. I can’t understand why they hate it it so much. I love it. If only day lasted longer. On sunday and snow started to fall. Nice weather for offroad ridding. Here is one video.

Vožnja po blatu in vodi je terjala davek. Večino časa potopljena in prepuščena teškim okoliščinam se je uklonila zadnja osovina. Zaslišim nekakšen luft. Menda niso puše! Dvignem z dvigalko in lej , zadnja osovina miga levo in desno.  :S:S  Voda in kovina to sta večna sovražnika. Sledil je tehtni premislek in odločitev, da bom spet […]

Izdelava ATV stopnice- ATV/Quad footrest

Posted: 18th April 2012 by viljem_r in Cars,bikes, vehicles, Garage
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Pri delovnih ATV so stopnice narejene iz plastike. Sicer je ta plastika mehka upogljiva, vendar hitro pridemo do ugotovitve, da bi jih morali imeti ob vožnji na HARD po terenu, na zalogi vsaj ene 5 kosev . Se pravi pride cena kmalu preseže ceno ATV 🙂 Malo nalomljene so tudi odlične za nabiranje drv za […]

SYM Quadlander 300s

Posted: 6th March 2012 by viljem_r in Cars,bikes, vehicles
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Kupil sem rabljen SYM Quadlander 300s. Atv me je mikal, ker je življenje drugače pozimi dolgočasno in ker bi vsake toliko časa rad malo skočil na hitro kam. Kot vemo pa je avto zame zadeva v kateri se vedno žalosten (saj je prevozno sredstvo za v službo). Kot motorist sem bil skeptičen do ATVjev. Ampak […]