Posts Tagged ‘camera’

This is how new exhaust sounds.

Nothing special cause it is a first flight 🙂    

I bought Corolla 08.  First impression of most stock units is RUBISH. I hate stock audio devices in car. All are expensive and can not compare to aftermarket headunits and speakers. So I bought 2 din pioneer avh 3300 bt unit.  I had speakers, woofer and amplifier from my old car. I also installed rear […]

Spinning camera on offroad

Posted: 13th March 2013 by viljem_r in Start
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Here is first ofroad test of my homemade spinning camera.  Looks quite good. But as always can be improved. Next time…

Video says more than 1000 words 🙂      

Spinning helmet camera

Posted: 24th February 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Start, Technical stuff
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After a lot of thinking I finally found good idea on web, how to make spinning helmet cam. I wanted to use bearings and steel plates and carbon stick to make it. But then I saw guy who used castor wheel. I went to hardware store and bought it. Then I found my old elan […]

Chest mount on a snowboard

Posted: 24th January 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Sport
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Chect mount je bil doma narejen že davno. Prišla je zima in čas za test na snowboardu. Videi so kar spodbudni. Ko bo kaj več časa zmontiram še kakšnega. Do takrat pa tole za pokušino.

Gopro in snowboard

Posted: 11th January 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Start
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Kam bi še lahko montiral gopro. Na snowboard seveda! Iščemo seveda čimveč akcije… Nastalo je pa tole: Malo popravkov in spet bo akcija, ko zapade sneg seveda!!!