Posts Tagged ‘DIY’

I hated stock exhaust on my atv. It was rusty,loud, ugly. I needed better exhaust. After carb modification it looked like this. I bought KTM 450 sx stock exhaust. It was almost new. Exhaust is suitable for 300cc atv. I didn’t want it too loud, cause it must be road legal. So enduro exhaust is […]

Quadcopter mods

Posted: 21st May 2013 by viljem_r in Quadcopter, Start
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After crash 1 week ago, I decided to modify my QC. It was quite heavy crash. I broke frame and 2 propellers. Problem was that I didn’t see it well.     I weld frame with solder iron. And it is as strong as it was before crash. I added 2 green blinking leds in […]

Spinning helmet camera- video

Posted: 26th February 2013 by viljem_r in Start
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Finally I had some time to edit this video. This is how it looks:

Spinning helmet camera

Posted: 24th February 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Start, Technical stuff
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After a lot of thinking I finally found good idea on web, how to make spinning helmet cam. I wanted to use bearings and steel plates and carbon stick to make it. But then I saw guy who used castor wheel. I went to hardware store and bought it. Then I found my old elan […]

Gopro Mount

Posted: 23rd October 2012 by viljem_r in Gopro, Sport
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Še eden izmed uporabnih DIY mountov: Mount se odlično drži:

Gopro Chest mount

Posted: 9th October 2012 by viljem_r in Gopro, Start, Technical stuff
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Še en projekt, izdelava chest mounta je bila neizogibna. Cena original od Gopro pa 60 eur.  Ni druge kot da grem v akcijo. Najprej potreben premislek kako kamero namontirat. Aluminij je vedno dobra lahka  izbira, poleg tega se da nanj nalepit od gopro nastavek. Lista papirja in obrišem nastavek, malo posrfam in narišem luknje za […]

Po nakupu kamere za “nenormalne” ljudi je seveda potrebno opraviti en kup testov. Ker so nastavki za Gopro kar visoke cene je potrebno uporabiti malo iznajdlivosti. Tako lahko naredimo si poceni set za montažo 🙂 Za snemanje zadev brez čelade sem si naredil iz lučke za na glavo + Gopro nastavkom, tako imenovani Head Strap […]