Posts Tagged ‘garage’

Drill hanging station

Posted: 9th November 2016 by viljem_r in Garage, Start
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This guy is a genious. Here is how can you organize your cordless drills.

Here is how simple you can clean “pain in the ass” DPF/FAP filter at home simple. You can call him money eater, engine destroyer, pain in the ass, shit.. 🙂    

Here is how I inspected BMW’s turbo wiht borescope.    

After I replaced headunit,speakers and installed amplifier it was time for backup camera. I bought wireless kit and camera, because my old was not suitable for mounting it anywhere on my x3. I must say that wireless kit works great.  It should be easy install, as always things complicate.     One of the biggest […]

In bmw x3 stock sound system is crap. I already replaced all speakers and on an easter sunday I decided to install amp.  I already had it from previous car with all cables and other stuff I needed. There are several options where you wanna install it. I decided to install in it trunks floor. […]

I had pair of 16 cm very quaility Hertz speakers in my closet.  Since BMW car audio system is crap and I didn’t find proper space for speakers in door I installed it in floor. First disconnect battery, because if you won’t your airbag light could  turn on on dash. You need to remove the […]

First thing you should check in your old car is your ignition system. This causes majority problems in your car. Check spark plugs, replace damaged cables,worn out brakers and ignition coil. You will see and hear  improvement immediatlly. If you want more power, better millage and smoother engine in your oldtimer, than you must upgrade […]

Here second part of my build: I made mounts for radio from aluminiun: Then testing how fascia fits in with radio. And finally time for fiberglass, I wraped frame with thick shirt. Then put some fiberglass on with brush.   After it dried I put another layer of  fiberglass mat. Time for car body filler, […]

I have Bmw X3 2007 with 131 000 km on tacho. I noticed that it is not runnig smoothlly on idle and I also read a lot of swirl flaps problems on web. So I decided to check egr valve and remove flaps at the same time. You need to remove engine both engine covers, disconnect […]