Posts Tagged ‘opel’

Here is one video how you can adjust valves on Kadett C . Inlet valves are 0.15 mm and outlet valves are 0.25. So recommended is that the engine is warm. If you are playing with cold engine I recomment that you adjust valves on IN 0.20 and outlet on 0.30. When engine heats up, […]

Here is how you can bleed fuel system on an opel diesel engine without prepump. This is not a joke. This really works. All you need is vacuum cleaner with exhaust port. It can save you a lot of time. I figure out this while I was working on a bosch vp44 pump and while […]

First thing you should check in your old car is your ignition system. This causes majority problems in your car. Check spark plugs, replace damaged cables,worn out brakers and ignition coil. You will see and hear  improvement immediatlly. If you want more power, better millage and smoother engine in your oldtimer, than you must upgrade […]

Last saturday I finally solved that mistery. I checked belts,tensioners ,water pump and cam shafts. Everything looked OK, but engine still had same diesel sound. you should checked if camshafts are OK, because a lot of Opel engines has problems with camshafts.   After I checked everything I found out that noise is coming from […]

Astra GTC zgleda zabaven avto. Vendar kmalu ugotoviš, da je za zabavo potrebna glasba. Ta pa je v njen bolj srednja žalost. Menjava radia v Oplu pa je kar zahteven projekt!! 😉 Vse se začne pri sodobnem radiju. Odločili smo se za Pioneer AVH-3300 BT. Radio ima funkcij malo morje in je velikosti 2 din. […]