Posts Tagged ‘paint’

Foliatec caliper paint after three years

Posted: 4th May 2024 by Wild Man in Start
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This is how foliatec paint looks after 3 years of braking. Great paint.

I was tired my old casual silver rims. New rims cost a lot, so respraying them was a wise solution. First I cleaned rims good with wheel cleaner. Iron x or K2 roton are good solution in combination with  brush and pressure washer. Then I sanded them with sand pad to remove all the dust […]

Painted valve cover

Posted: 14th June 2018 by viljem_r in Cars,bikes, vehicles, Garage, Start
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There is nothing better than seeing painted valve cover when you pop up the hood. This is from nissan primera p11 2.0. Sprayed with temperature resistant paint. First cleaned with degreser and scoth brite pad .  

Here second part of my build: I made mounts for radio from aluminiun: Then testing how fascia fits in with radio. And finally time for fiberglass, I wraped frame with thick shirt. Then put some fiberglass on with brush.   After it dried I put another layer of  fiberglass mat. Time for car body filler, […]