Posts Tagged ‘pics’

I really hate Bmw headunit. It should be called BMW crap cd. Somebody from Bmw should be in jail for installing that headunits in bmws. I bought pioneer 3300 bt 4 years ago and I love it. It has got everything you need for reasonable price. I had it 4 years in my Toyota Corolla. […]

New toy- Gopro hero 3 black

Posted: 12th December 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Start
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Bought new toy and again spent fortune 🙂 Burst mode on it is awesome 30 pics in 1 sec and I have just class 4 card for now.

Pics from air

Posted: 31st May 2013 by viljem_r in Gopro, Quadcopter
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Here are some first pics from my quadcopter.