Posts Tagged ‘sym’

Stock lights on atv are not producing enought light at night. So if you are driving offroad at night you will need good extra light. One good alternative is Led bar. Installation is quite simple and light is very bright. You will need led bar, some wiring harness, relay 15 amps, fuse 10 amps, switch. […]

Playin’ with my atv in slow motion

Posted: 20th June 2014 by viljem_r in Gopro
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Gopro + atv in slow motion  

Sym blow off

Posted: 5th March 2014 by viljem_r in Cars,bikes, vehicles, Garage, Start
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They say loud pipes, saves lives 😉

Here is how you install hour meter on ATV. It is usefull to monitor service intervals. On back  is good user manual. It is really simple to install it. First I removed ignition coil, because it was easier to wrap wire on ignition cable. Then wraped wire 5 times and secured it with zip tie. […]

This is how new exhaust sounds.

CVT clutch was in bad shape on my ATV sym quadlander. New costs a lot of money, so I rebuild it. First you need to dissasemblly cvt and take down clutch. As you can see it was in really worn. First you need hot gun or torch to heat that big nut. Nut is secured […]

sym quad without exhaust system

Posted: 12th November 2013 by viljem_r in Cars,bikes, vehicles, Technical stuff
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I removed exhaust and this is how it sounds without it.

It’s never boring in my garage. Water and dust, not good combination for metal parts. I had to replace bearings and dust seals on friend’s atv. You have to dissmantle rear axle, remove brakes, remove chain.  Then remove rust from metal parts and then istall bearing carefully. I also drilled hole and add this grease […]

Vožnja po blatu in vodi je terjala davek. Večino časa potopljena in prepuščena teškim okoliščinam se je uklonila zadnja osovina. Zaslišim nekakšen luft. Menda niso puše! Dvignem z dvigalko in lej , zadnja osovina miga levo in desno.  :S:S  Voda in kovina to sta večna sovražnika. Sledil je tehtni premislek in odločitev, da bom spet […]