Posts Tagged ‘vrcustoms’

Foliatec caliper paint review

Posted: 8th April 2021 by Wild Man in BMW X3 e83, Cars,bikes, vehicles
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I painted my Honda Civic calipers red.

It is common to lock broke inside, because it is so hard to open a fuel tank. We replaced a few locks. And we don’t wanna spend any more money on locks. So I modified how to open a fuel tank.

I was tired my old casual silver rims. New rims cost a lot, so respraying them was a wise solution. First I cleaned rims good with wheel cleaner. Iron x or K2 roton are good solution in combination with  brush and pressure washer. Then I sanded them with sand pad to remove all the dust […]

Here is how simple you can clean “pain in the ass” DPF/FAP filter at home simple. You can call him money eater, engine destroyer, pain in the ass, shit.. 🙂    

Here is how I inspected BMW’s turbo wiht borescope.    

After I replaced headunit,speakers and installed amplifier it was time for backup camera. I bought wireless kit and camera, because my old was not suitable for mounting it anywhere on my x3. I must say that wireless kit works great.  It should be easy install, as always things complicate.     One of the biggest […]

Here is one video how you can adjust valves on Kadett C . Inlet valves are 0.15 mm and outlet valves are 0.25. So recommended is that the engine is warm. If you are playing with cold engine I recomment that you adjust valves on IN 0.20 and outlet on 0.30. When engine heats up, […]

I had pair of 16 cm very quaility Hertz speakers in my closet.  Since BMW car audio system is crap and I didn’t find proper space for speakers in door I installed it in floor. First disconnect battery, because if you won’t your airbag light could  turn on on dash. You need to remove the […]