Posts Tagged ‘water’

F2 Sup after 3 months of use

Posted: 14th October 2020 by Wild Man in Sport
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This is how my 3 months old F2 sup looks like. I expected that they would use a much more quality glues. Luckily they have good customer support, so they picked it up for repair. Lets see how they will fix it.

Comments Off on Honda cx500 mechanical seal replacement, coolant leaking

And I saw a leaking coolant in the back of an engine. Noo!!! After some researches I find that it’s not just seal on a pump but seal inside a water pump impeller. This seal is called mechanical seal and it is know to fail.  Maybe one of the reasons is also a that previous […]

    If you’re having water leaks in footwels, you must have damaged water barrier in your door. This is very common bmw fault. And after 15 years still present in some models. Remove door panel and you will see barrier, than check if it is somewhere peeled off. Here is picture of my. Looks […]