I am or I was big fan of gopro cameras. I had gopro hero hd which was awesome durable camera, so  I bought hero 3 black edition.

I must say that pictures and videos are great. Image quality is very good. I’m using it now for about 2 years.

But here are facts why I’m hating it and sometimes I get very frustrated.

– Very poor battery ( I have 3 batteries and I only had 1 for hero hd)

– Waterproof case is very fragile. I found it cracked so I bought clone for 15 bucks and it is almost the same quality

– Wifi switch is turning on randomly which drains battery very fast, frustrating!!!

– Camera software is still full of bugs

– Camera is overheating

– Wifi remote battery is very poor

– When using Gopro app connection is very very slow

– Camera sometimes random resets settings

– When you take just one photo it is all blurry, but when you use time lapse almost all photos are sharp

– They should publish some updates, but Gopro only wants you to spent fortune again for new camera.

My opinion is that if you spend 400 bucks for pro camera you want to have PRO camera. Not just half product.

I understand that Gopro was pioneer in POV cameras, but they should still make  quality products.

New version are even more expensive and without mounts or remote. They don’t even have some features that users want. They should at least offer remote and some mounts in package for that price.

For 100 bucks now you can buy chinese camera which is very good value for what you will get and need. You will also receive mounts and sometimes even remote. 

Why spend more for camera which is not as it good as it should be.

I don’t know if I will buy another Gopro camera, maybe I will buy Gopro alternatives next time.